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A Traveling Diary Of America

A vision from the Lord, shared as I seen it unfold like a story and movie.


We are with destination as America, one which has purpose and course. We are arriving closer and closer as each mile marker streams by on the side of this vehicle called agenda.

We are on the express way now smooth riding down a one way speedway making great time according to the communist atlas.

Highlighted are some great stops along the way as we share the ride with New World Order.

The first stop is the memorial park of our Bill of Rights, sketched in stone at the end of this nature's path and decorated flowers guiding the way leads to a stone that reads: "In Memory of Bill Rights" "he was old fashioned and stubborn fool, yet contributed to an older society of America, though expired shall always be remembered."

Getting back into the vehicle of Agenda, we then go a few miles down the congressional highway, soon arriving at another famous stop that everyone in the United World, must see for it is a grand sight.

The stop and tour takes us to a park made of

cement and stone showing the many wars fought in small yet detailed dioramas, within the center of this grand gladiolus of statues, is a large gun, the gun made of steel and iron has a folded barrel, the barrel tied up like a pretzel signifying the victory of America's release of rebels and terror that the firearm age brought.

People looking upon the graphic monuments of giant stoned gods clashing as titans, each one representing a nation and then the sight of this grand pistol being tied up by the hands of one man, one who is believed to be called peace, brings tears to some eyes.

Upon the plate is sketched; "Tied by the hands of peace, does this give way to no more worries and no more war!" "Who can stand before peace?"

The destination and the trip beckons not much time to sway, for after all there is a time commitment that must be kept.

We again enter the vehicle of agenda, it rides and drives so smooth. It seems to never need fuel for the further we drive the more efficient it becomes as getting us closer to our destinations.

Soon we arrive at the most grandest of destinations along this route. It is quit the sight as it brings us to Washington DC. We arrive seeing the many trophies and praises that have been erected and created over the years.

The wonderful works of art that praise the founding fathers yet aged, cracked and dark.

Aside of them have been erected newer trophies and more modern works of art praising the leaders of the new age and world who have brought about the change to usher humanity into its now single identity.

So very few visit the halls that keep those expired documents and declarations of what many call perverted freedoms. Many visit now the New World Order Hall, that brings insight and wealth to all who acknowledge this wonderful new system.

While in the seemingly abandoned halls of what was formerly America's land mark of freedoms. My attention was glued on this black robed woman, old and crowned in silver locks and braids.

Her eyes filled with tears as if she lost her love yet her sight upon the dusted glass before her.

I walk over to her, to gesture a hand and ask if all is well. She turns slightly lifting her feeble head and asks; "Do you sir. see what is before you?"

Not knowing I say "No?"

The Old feeble woman replies; "Young man, you are a generation lost. You can’t see past the dust and grime of the age past yet within these abandoned halls and underneath that glass lies my husband."

I offer my apologies and condolences to what appears to be now an old widow, stricken with grief.

The woman disrupting my sympathies replies; "Your apologies are of no weight here for it is you who have placed my husband in his grave!" her eyes swelling with her fixed gaze upon me, piercing through my very soul as if she could see everything about me....

"THIS CANT BE!" I replied yet the old widow would not hear it. "What is your name woman!?" I asked with concern and anger at this accusation.

The Old Woman replied; "You know who I am yet my beauty has faded over the age and the fatigue and loss of my husband has been soar to me."

"You know the name of my husband too!" "You used to be close, we all used to be so close." "I remember watching you, from the harbor and seeing you able to laugh and enjoy the rich fellowship that he brought to your life each day, as he mentored you and helped you though some hard times."

Shocked and not much more I could say, is my memory this frail?...

I have driven so long and toured so much to come to this grave site and hear a woman accuse me of killing her husband and making her a widow?

Confused yet determined I ask yet again this time with kindness and true intent on knowing who these two are.

"My dear widow, please tell me your name and that of your husband?"

The woman replied and her answer pierced my lungs as if to steal my breath.

"You young man, have forgotten who we are." "You America, are our son." "You killed your Father, the Constitution and have made me your mother Liberty, a widow."

"You are now a generation unto yourself and your father Constitution does lie in that grave, I am soon to follow yet there is one more dire you forget America."

My eyes swelled with regret now seeing the truth yet knowing it is far late to change what has happened I ask; "How can this be and who else could have suffered at my hands?"

Mother Liberty, replies; "You have forgotten the greatest of all and that my dear boy is Jesus Christ, your God." "It may be late for your father and me yet you can return to Jesus, he is the provider of true liberty and grace."

With these words I seen the widow Liberty, fade away.

The moment was disrupted by the sirens of the day which was the demand to give attention to the new age. I pondered and wondered how could this be that I America, could have blood on my hands and that it would be the blood of Liberty, Constitution, and Faith. By forgetting and forsaken my God.

Is there repentance and any hope for me now?

A traveling diary of America, son of the late; Liberty and Constitution.

March, 11th 2015 - Pastor Heath C. Haas



I can't sound the warning loud enough. I desire to serve you, as best I can as a watchmen on the wall.

"Suddenly!" Is the watch word, and "SUDDENLY!" These things will befall the nations. Crisis, will follow Crisis, until they mandate new laws. These laws will be to strip and choke to death the Constitution, Liberty and Right of Faith from the United States of America.

All the while Liberty, will become a widow, mourn and fade away in the despair at the hand of bastardized people, who know not their father nor their mother, yet the height of their crime, is forgetting their God.

It's time to repent. It's time to change from a lifestyle that separates you from God. It's time to come unto Jesus Yeshua Christ. It's time to cast aside the lies and embrace the truth. We must throw away the ways, faiths and religion of this world.

It's time for awakening!

May you have ears to hear. May you have eyes to see, and may you have hearts, minds and souls to discern by the Holy Spirit.

Blessings & Shalom!


Heath C. Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Yeshua

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