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Government, Religion & The Church, A Swing of Chaos!

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:28


I always wrestle and debate within myself, if I should share some of the things that come to me in dreams, and visions. When thus saith the Lord, comes I know it, and I must declare it. One way we know that dreams and visions are from the throne of God, is when there is a word of God, within the dream.

Such a dream was experienced, July, 1st 2016. The dream, once finished caused me to awaken. Once I awoke, I had pin in hand and wrote down immediately what I experienced.

I always do my due diligence to describe and share anything of this nature as it was seen, heard and experienced. I share this as a dream. I share this at the prodding of the Holy Spirit. I share this because there was a literal word spoken to me, as I recalled the dream, and prayed on it's meaning today.


There was an infant swing. It was crafted from steel and other materials. Atop this swing were two large clock gears that clicked, turned, and kept rhythm, with real time. There was a gear per side of the swing. Along the large, right, front leg of this swing was written like a company brand/logo; "RELIGION"

The swing seat would move back and forth, in harmony with the clocking gears beat. Within the seat, was a sleeping baby. This infants face had the countenance of peace, contentment, and rest. No matter what noise or activity that was happening around the swing, it would not disturb the rest and sleep of this infant.

As soon as the gears would sound a slower pattern, the seat would begin to come to a halt and I would notice the child, would wrestle in its seat, from her rest. Not seconds latter did a large arm, covered in a suit jacket, with cuff links, having the U.N. symbol push the swing back into the hypnotic rythm, again now soothing the slightly disturbed infant.

upon the arm of the suit as if it was a brand name of the suit, was written; "Government" Looking upon the resting child, the name upon her clothes read; "CHURCH"

The dream concluded -


I prayed about the dream, in prayer I heard a voice say;

"My people, are comforted & cradled in the swing (religion)." "The deceivers, only have to keep the swing in motion and the people, will sleep and not be stirred."

"False prophets, are the gears and legs of this swing (religion)" "This swing being religion, has been more comfort, and refuge, for the ministry of the church, then my true anointing."

"The wicked system, the government of the day, is the strong arm that pushes the swing, allowing the false prophets, and the gears of entertainment, doctrines and denominations, to cycle."

"My people, slumber in the midst of chaos!" "They choose to sleep rather then awake and arise." "Some shall slumber into judgement." "Others, will deny and close their eyes, again."

"They have ears yet will not listen!" "They have eyes, yet will not see!" "They choose their ignorance over my wisdom." "Their members offend them, their senses all faint and dim."

"They are comforted by the hand of the wicked whilst they deny the hand of their God."

"They sleep in the midst of chaos, and chaos, shall be their judgement says the Lord!"


Mercy! Oh! LORD! Mercy, this be my prayer. Such is the justice of your Almighty hand, that we would have to endure the chaos, that comes. Mercy! Oh! Lord! MERCY!

May we yet have a window of time to prepare.... To make ready..... To obey!

Cast the sleep from our eyes! CRY OUT! Let the shofars, blast pierce the ears of their slumber!


Rebuke, and restrain the arms of the wicked ones, that they lay not hand to your prophets, to keep them from being a wake up call unto Zion. May they cry aloud from the walls. May they sound true the call.

Rebuke, and mute, the mouths of the false ones, who spin and churn doctrines and your falsely declare your word.

Let those who have ears to hear, HEAR!

Let those who have eyes to see, SEE!

Let us I pray, Dear King of the Universe, be spared yet another season, even in the midst of this coming Chaos, be overshadowed not overwhelmed by the enemies of your Kingdom.

- In your name Almighty King, Jesus Yeshua.


I don't have anything to add to what is above yet that I plead with you to; Repent!

I plead with you to prepare, make ready your souls first and then make ready your house. Make ready your cabinets. Make ready your property. Make ready your wares, goods and sustaining things.

Make ready, for the days of judgement, are at hand.

Blessings & Shalom!


Heath C. Haas

Your Servant In King Jesus Yeshua

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