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Terrorist Targeting What Terrifies Them

"A terrifying realty, knowing that you're a real threat to terror, and as such can become a target of terror.

We are not called to fear (be terrofied), yet to have a sound mind, the mind of King Jesus Yeshua Christ."

II Timothy 1:7


Tonight I experienced a quickening and with that was a quick vision. The vision, was of a news cast. The news cast was a channel that was streaming all the major news channels at once.

At the bottom of the screen was a banner that read;

"Massive destruction and tragedies hit multiple areas, from terror attacks, using unaware patrons, as couriers of terror, by placing detonation devices within purses,back packs, and other loose bags!"

It was a series of attacks that took place around America's Metropolitan Areas. It was concession attacks yet the most brutal was the calibrated attacks, the reason all channels were being viewed at the same time in the vision is because it was multiple locations, all being attacked at one time.

There was mass confusion and chaos in the streets, and all you could see were massive clouds of smoke rolling into the skies. The locations targeted were shopping centers, bus stations, and places with large amounts of people.

Evidence was shared; as one by one it was confirmed that these bombs, where detonated within large purses, bags, back packs, and anything the terrorist, could use to fit the contraptions into.

Innocent people, were being used as tools of warfare, unaware as they patron their favorite mall, or chartered there everday bus, subway etc... that they would carry out the attack, as a courier of the device slipped into their belongings.

I am calling for all who read this to take extra caution. I am asking that all Christians, who normally wear; christian themed shirts, and other outerwear, to stop wearing these items in large public areas, as it will make you a target.

Shirts like these:

I am not trying to drive fear yet wisdom. I am also not asking that you be ashamed, yet rather be the light of God, that will shine in deed, speech, and living. The light does no good, if it can't shine. I am asking you to take caution that you may be the gospel thrust with wisdom, discernment, and be able to continue to shine, because you're not an easy target.

I am also asking all you ladies, stop using large purses. Men, stop using large back packs, these are items that will allow easy access and can become the perfect solution to slip the devices used to detonate terror devices.

Please stop using purses like this:

Men stop using back packs like these in major populated areas:

I am asking for you all to be cautious. I am asking for you all to seek discernment. If we are not cautious and we do not obey the instructions, of the Lord, we will become victims of faith, not victors.

I don't want to see anyone be apart of the vision, I seen tonight yet I know it is nearing a time that we will in fact see this intensify. Crisis, will follow crisis, and tragedy, will befall tragedy until new laws have over written the laws that provide freedom.

We will see the day that these new laws, will be a global design, enforced and these are the elements, that will know, no borders.

Please be in prayer. If you don't know Jesus Yeshua Christ, as Lord, and Savior, I pray you will come to know Him, intimately.

Again I can't voice this enough;

Ladies, stop using huge purses, especially in metro areas.

You could become a tool, that could carry the device that could be used for terror.

All these bomb incidents are not just a phase. This is a test, to trial how America, especially American Citizens will respond in the face of terror.

I can see it, almost like a news cast, tragedy and destruction, being carried out due to carelessness on our part for not being aware, alert, and obedient.

The Newscast I seen had no allegiance to a news channel, yet I seen every news banner, streaming the same stories, on the stream.

My Christian, friends, I am not asking you to do this as to hide, rather to be wise. Stop wearing shirts, that are Christian labeled.

Stop wearing graphics, wording and other such designs that will make you a target.

It's not about being ashamed yet about being able to carry the gospel in deed, speech, and living.

Women, please stop using large bags, purses, etc....

Men, stop using large back packs, etc....

Everyone, stop wearing graphic shirts, that will make you a target.

Be the light, yet make sure that light can stay on!

Blessings & Shalom! HcH

Your Servant in King Jesus Yeshua

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