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The King's Ointment

Exodus 30: 25 - 29 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. 26 And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, 27 And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense, 28 And the altar of burnt offering with all his vessels, and the laver and his foot. 29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.


Greetings friends,

I shared via Facebook, Friday, October, 14th 2016. A word of the Lord, that flooded my spirit. I believe it is important to share this with you, via the ministry page. There is much that floods my soul, yet here is the record of the account that day.

The way I behold claiming Christians, behave and stand, during this election process all the more confirms, that they will take the mark of Baal, and a Federal/Globalist coin, in exchange of releasing the location of the Messiah (His seed) and confirming who they are with a deceitful kiss of fellowship.

(Luke 22)

As for myself, I am pretty blatant and obvious of whom I serve, and as a watchmen, I am right where you, and the enemy, would expect me to be positioned. Precisely where I am called, the wall. (Isiah 62:6)

Here on the wall flaying the arrows away from the camp and sounding a tiring yet but steady blast of the Shofar.

There is a call friends, it's a call of spiritual warfare. Its a call to be Seperate, Distinct, and Identified, with the King of Kings.

You will have a banner flying over yourself, I pray it's the banner of Jehovah, yet know it's the most heated position.

(Ezekiel 33:6)

Persecution, is coming.

Chaos is coming.

The true will be tried and the wicked rebuked. Some of you will trust in artillery, some in your arsenal's, yet I will trust in the name of the Lord, my God.

(Psalm 20:7)

There is a Judas spirit, upon the land, and an Ichabod, agenda, within the Holy Place. There is a angel's smile and light upon their false faces, they have only poison from their tongue, and wickedness in their wake.

It is a late hour, are your lamps full?

It is a anxious window of time, are your wicks trimmed?

It is a urgency of preparedness, are your garments pressed, clean, and without the blemish of lust, guile, and sin?

There is a prophets girdle of warning upon the land, for the inhabitants wreak with stench, and disgusting ware. The priestly garments, are defiled.

The Holy Place, has been made desecrated!

The halls of the righteous have become tainted with pride, greed, and reproach. The high places have been infested with lust.

The once glorious positions of labor, task, and service unto the people of Yahweh, have become defiled, by the those once crowned with the call, yet now claim mastery over the true Master's property.

The vineyards are wilting!

The rivers cease to flow!

The heavens hold back it's rain, and the Earth groans with dried dust, and fainting seed.

Creation, moans, groans, and cries Abba!

The inhabitants shall sing with great WOE!

The many who falter in the way, shall become flattened in the path, and as fine stones to tread, as the many traffic unto the promise land.

A great awakening stirs the people, from slumber yet only few, will dust off their sleep filled eyes. Only few will wash their faces in urgent alert, and be spared the serpents sword.

For always during the late hours does agenda besiege freedoms, always in the midnight do the witches work their darkness.

Who among you shall be known to serve the way, truth, and life?

Who shall be spared this horrible shadow, that passes the doors of the people?

What blood does mark your doors and posts?

Why do you present but spoils upon the altar of Adonai?

Who convinced you to divert direction from your destiny in Jesus Yeshua Christ?

Who does persuade you, and have beguiled you with lies to abort truth?

Why do you America, allow your daughter's to be thrown out of the door of refuge, hurled into the craving mobs, only to be beaten and lie dying at the doors threshold???

What manner of wickedness becomes acceptable, and traded, with the Holy, precious, and wonderful things bestowed upon you, by the Creator???

Woe! Woe! Woe! Saith the Lord!

Woe and suddenly shall a great Falling away cover the people, yet my people know my voice!

They shall hear and obey!

There shall be no worry or doubt of my directions and instructions!

Rapidly, a sealing of the year! A sealing of the year comes, a dropping and plummet looms!

Put not your trust in the wealth of the day. For it expires.

Preparations.... Yes!.... preparations are as gold and silver!

Mocking and slander, even spiteful whisperings shall come from many against the warnings of my prophets, yet they who hold to my word, shall find rest, peace, and refuge, from the storms.

Many storms! Lined in concession, storms of calamity, do fall upon the land.

Thus saith the Lord, of host, forsake not my instructions, you sway left and right, like fallen leaves from a tree, your pushed by the winds, seek not the spoken instruction less you have approved the written living words, provided unto you, as streams of life, in days of the shadows of death, yet light shall it be and the shadows will not overtake you.

Seek me! Seek the Lord, God!

You shall find, refuge, and assurance here, in the wings of my presence yet a Holy people, I have called, a righteous seed, I have planted, and you shall blossom and be placed in the vice, yes into fine precious oil, you will become King's ointment!

The closing weeks shall begin the press. Yes the call for ointment and the anointing oils for this hour, is at hand.

A pure oil I shall use as healing balm yet a tainted oil shall be used only for burning.

Take heart and hear what the spirit has to say unto you!

Says the Lord.

So has it been spoken, so it be done unto the glory, of Yahweh.


Let the words be tried, judged and found true before the Lord, as they flow into my spirit for you, dear beloved.

Blessings & Shalom! Heath Haas Your Servant in King Jesus

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