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Can It Be The Ancient One's Have Returned? A Word Of The LORD Regarding Idolatry In This Generat

3 because of their wickedness which they committed to provoke Me, by continuing to burn sacrifices for and serve other gods, whom they had not known—not they, nor you, nor your fathers. 4 Yet I sent you all My servants the prophets, sending them early and often, saying: ‘Oh, do not do this loathsome thing that I hate.’ 5 But they did not listen or incline their ear to turn from their wickedness, to stop making offering to other gods.veryone wants to pretend that things don't exist. We have many who teach and claim that the precious things of God, are expired, and that humanity is the source of goodness, life, and the power to change.

(Image credit above to google images)


The world today is no different than the world pre - flood. It is consumed with the same toxic agent that has plagued man from the beginning and it will be that same toxic agent that will be the doom of many until the very end.

(Matthew 24:37) "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

That toxic chemical agent is sin!

There is nothing new under the heavens, sun, and stars. Creation itself bares witness and have endured the wages of sin too.

(Ecclesiastes 1:9) "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

If the mountain peaks could be heard the testimony that would be shared when once those peaks gasped for breath at the waters that consumed them, or the mountain that endured the consuming fire presence of Yahweh, as He reinforced not a new law, yet that which was at the foundation yet less man forgets this time without excuse it was plainly written out by His own hand.

Just as He (God) did not destroy the things written yet again reinforced them by being the word manifest and write such on our hearts through the death, burial, and resurrection and Holy Ghost fire.

The rocks, trees, and all that the earth contains would testify to humanity today and bare witness of the absolute need of the Savior, by the absolute wickedness that waxes hotter and hotter by the day.

I was in prayer this morning at 06:45 when I heard the word of the LORD, pour into my spirit the words written below.




The Church has been placed in a state of hypnosis by magicians in their leadership. They have been entertained by familiar spirits and false teachings that counterfeit the Holy things yet all the while they convince the people the "new things" are what should be pursued.

The Creator has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This also means His word is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You're a wicked generation full of soothing words of Fiat faith!

You're a people who have prostituted the Holy things of God, in exchange for entertainment.

You're a people that have compromised eternal things for the momentary pleasures of the flesh.


You're a people who have been called yet have sealed your ears off by devices of men, and turning the volume up, you have set the noise to a level that you're unaware of the danger around you. You are unable to hear and have become void of sense and discernment.

You have allowed the promises of men to be valued more than the covenant of my word. You have gambled with blood silver and have treaded on the sacrifice.

You have allowed yourselves to be stripped to humiliation having no covering and lack the power of the true fire because like the moth to a flame you have attached to any available light in the dark hours.

You have with arrogance and pride said from the mountains of your religion there is no fall or failure here.

Woe! Woe! Woe!

Great is the fall of Babel!

Great is the fall of they who from peaks are boasting with pride, and false soothing; declaring there is no end nor worries!

Great is the fall of they who have said we will make greater! We will be greater! We will become greater!


They have crafted with their hammers their idols. They have with skilled hands set up the images of ancient dark ones to be seen in the markets, courts, and high places of their rulings.

They have erected the idols of old for a boast to the heavens saying where is the God of Israel???

Where is the God that can save the despairing???

See! He does nothing!

There is no God, yet gods that be what you shall seek.

Great is the deception, and great is the agendas.


I will pour out my spirit says the LORD!

I will in the face of their idols bring them shattering down, yes!

With great tribulation, shall my people be sorted and the evil removed.

My true fire will consume and bring low the pride, boast, and declaration of war against my commands.

Their idols shall be powerless and motionless to do anything during my motion and power that shall fall upon the face of my Holy place.

They have defiled it, and have set up abomination, yet I shall purge, and restore with a mighty hand.

I will set a fire upon the tongues of my prophets, and they shall speak my unchanged word!

They shall cry out the uncompromised word of my covenant!

They shall cry out and those who hear my voice and obey shall have refuge, those who will take shelter in my doors will be secure.


Great chaos and calamity will fall upon the markets they have displayed their idols!

Great Chaos and Calamity will fall upon their courts and rulings where they have polished the ancient’s of wickedness and their faces!

Great chaos and calamity will befall nations for their prophets, and priest make war for power.

There is only safety in my word.

There is only truth in my council.

There is only life in my breath.

Bring down and shatter these idols in the places you have set up your worship!

Shatter the idols or like fine powder shall ruin be a dust cloud seen of the land.

The message is unchanged. Repentance is the decree and the way has been made and my gates have been opened yet who does enter?

Enter my gates! Heed my call!


A cycle of war has befallen the hearts of the Kings. A season of unrest and confusion consumes them. A time to expose is now and the hearts of the generation tried and followed will come a time of woes for the deaf ears yet my people will hear my voice and not be without warning, and through obedience be prepared for the days to come.

My fire burns purer than any manufactured oil, and flame, my altar is not hewn with the hands of the crafters. It is my hand that has crafted the soul and it is with your soul you must come before me, and turn from these wicked desires says the LORD.


Above is the word of King Jesus Y Christ, to my soul this morning as I prayed. May it be judged accordingly. May we truly take heart at the things that will be shown the true watchmen, that will deliver the word of the LORD. We are not given a spirit of fear but of a sound mind.

It's not a matter of if the ancient wicked ones have returned, it is a reality that we will see as was in the day of Noah, great wickedness and even greater than in those days.

Abortion Clinics, were always designed in partnership with wicked sacrifice. The massive drug consumption, media consumption, and levels of lust, and the unclean things are ever increasing.

Satan, the Wicked One, is the prince of the power of the Air, this does not mean he is omni-present, yet he needs the ability to have eyes, ears, and presence everywhere. The Wicked One, is always counterfeiting the things of Yahweh, thus where God, is Omnipresent and the Wicked One is not he must devise a way to be everywhere.

He is the prince of the Power of the Airwaves!

Technology is the platform in which the Anti Christ, system is setting up it's influence. Everyone is plugged in. Everyone is attuned. It's a matter of time before people will have to choose between the luxuries and love of this world or the love and joy of Salvation through King Jesus.

The battle is for your soul, friends. Where Satan, has setup a massive presence in the Airwaves, so do we setup a presence through the use of tools like this website, apps, social media, and the produced content contained here to wage war on the battlefront for your soul.

May you be blessed, convicted, challenged, and changed!

I love you ALL in King Jesus Y Christ.

Blessings & Shalom!


Your Servant in Messiah

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