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Midnight Approaches & The Blood Covering Has Been Thrown Into the Fields | A Prophetic Word Of G

Image Credit Google Images - Five Minutes To Midnight

"Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

Matthew 25


Greetings Friends,

Tonight is a beautiful full moon, vibrant, bright, and orange in color. As I looked at the moon, a great heaviness fell upon me. I knew I needed to pray. I went into prayer Wednesday, night at 22:00 and then once entering into prayer heard the following flood my soul.



"The people have refused the blood covering." "They have taken the atoning blood of the lamb, and have cast it into the fields of their lusts." "They have cast it into the Nile, though judgement is being poured out, they have cast the true blood covering aside." "They have cast it aside and can't decipher what is the blood of the Lamb or the sacrifice of swine."

"They have boasted and said; We have no need for any salvation!" "We have no need for refuge or peace!" We have no need for those things after all our refuge, salvation, and peace abides in our house." "We have our refuge in the mediators of the Nations." "We have our peace at the hands of the generals of war."

"We make our own music!" "We worship our own interests." "We set things to rise and we cast down things to fall." "There is no need to prepare, or discern the matters of the seasons. "We shall always have plenty." We shall always have warmth when it is cold and cool shade when it is hot."

"LOOK!" "Our baskets are plenty!" "LOOK!" "Our wells run deep, cold, and sweet!" "LOOK!" "Our wine skins have no taint." "LOOK!" "Our grain houses run over and full!" "They mock, and laugh, at my messengers." "They have sought the ancient wickedness and it's practices while refusing my strong hand of restoration and my ways."

"They have thrown the cups of my Feasts, to the floor and in exchange they have taken up the cups of their lusts and strange silver, from strange lands." "They have shouted against my calls, to Repent!" "With their cries of idolatry, anger, and scorn, they have cursed my name, and have cursed my prophets."

"They continue to hate the emissaries I send even now."


"I have warned with my voice as thunder from the heavens." "I have sealed my word as fire into stone." "I have heard their mocking!" "I have beheld their deceptions!" "I have heard and watched them make false covenants with their factions."

"I have heard them declare reprieve yet I declare repentance less my judgments befall the nations." "Look upon the moon." "See how it is bright?" "See how it is full?" "So shall my word be clear in the heavens!"

"The darkness shall not hide it!" neither "Their Agendas hide it!"

"I have spoken, shown, and revealed;" "GREAT CHAOS!" "GREAT CALAMITY!" "Shall befall the nations and this has not been heard nor my mercies extended received." "Now has the times come that their war drums, and chants, sound." "They think it's their agendas, and rulings, that set it all in motion." "They are stirred!" "They are gathered!"

"I have set it in motion!"

"The Saudi are their sword." "The Great Ram, brandishes his horns." "The beast has been cornered yet its bite shall be ferocious and it shall get loose!"

"Many have said; we will have need for nothing, while in their religions and factions." "They do nothing to prepare their lamps!" "They do nothing to have their garments ready!" "They have rejected the rehearsals and so they are unaware of the days, and hours, of my rulings."

"PREPARE!" "MAKE READY YOUR LAMPS!" "Make haste for your journey shall be like one out of the comforts of Egypt, excluding the task master's hands" "It shall be from Egypt into a wilderness" "At my hand shall you be directed." With my voice will you hear and obey."

"There will not be a turn that is taken that I do not provide the direction." "There will be no instruction given to my people or prepared and uttered without my authority."

"Judgement is at the threshold and many are going to be without the covering."

"Great wailing." "Great weeping" "Even the ripping off of their clothes will be in the streets" "This will be in their courts." "This will be in their high places."

"Their baskets, wells, wine, and gain houses they have praised and esteemed greater than ME." "Will be brought to drought!" "Their baskets, and grain houses, will be emptied like open valves."

"They have said in their secret meetings they will control the East." "NO!" "They shall not control it rather they shall be bitten with venom by the serpent they seek to control."

"DO NOT cease to call for repentance!" "Do not become silent when you see the events that will come." "Sound clear with my authority the call to repent." "For this will be the only refuge, sanctuary, is that my people are found with my covering and blood, so shall they be covered with my mercies."

"Thus Saith the LORD."


The above is the words that flooded my soul. I wrote them all down. In turn I have posted this immediately after. I honestly wanted to sleep on this thinking I will write it all out via the Watchmen's Call Blog (later today, considering the time) yet I had urgency to write it down and was lead to write it as it was fresh. Considering the nature of the word above.

Before concluding this posting. I will sincerely ask that you truly ask yourself the following questions.

Are you truly saved?

Have you repented, turned away from a sinful lifestyle?

Turning away from a sinful lifestyle, have you pursued a daily walk with King Jesus, to be instructed in His ways, truth, and laws?

Have you been truly baptized?

Have you been totally immersed in water with and in the name of King Jesus, being declared go down old, and arise out of the water new?

Have you received the Promise of the Holy Spirit?

Have you been baptized of the and with the Holy Spirit?

Is your lamps full?

Are your clothes ready?

Have you obeyed the word of the LORD, in times past that you can hear and obey now?

Sobering questions yet I have a command from the LORD, and that is to not cease to declare repentance and truth, no matter what is going on around me and the Nations.


Turn from your Wicked Ways!


For the remissions of sin!


Its far more than speaking in tongues, its baring the fruits, gifts, and being lead in all truth!

(Acts 2)

Midnight Approaches!

I love you ALL in Messiah.



Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ.

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