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Breaking News Reports Bombings of Religious Centers!|A Vision

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Greetings Friends,

I pray you all are blessed as you gather yet also be cautious, alert, and discerning.


Saturday, April, 15, 2017 and Sunday, April, 16th 2017

These scenes I experienced twice in the last two days. Saturday, briefly with the words;

"Like it was in Egypt" I had a vision, and in the vision I seen news stations begin to cover multiple terror attacks. The banner that flowed on the bottom of the news stations read;

"Breaking! Another Religious Center Bombing!" Then another banner streamed;

"Alert! Multiple casualties, in a other Church attack" Many of the anchors would use the term "religious center" and would refrain from using the term "Church" yet I knew when I looked at the coverage and the live video streaming it was specifically Evangelical assemblies. There were many cases were the bombs, targeted the sanctuary and/or general assembly of the buildings. One news report I seen on the screen reported: "We thought the shootings were bad, yet it escalated and their threats are being delivered." A pastor who was interviewed after surviving the attack stated; "We were in worship, and gathered during our special times, and all of a sudden everything went black. I heard only screams and the sound of the walls falling around us." I then heard the words: "Egypt, was only a test." Then the vision cleared, I seen no more.


I am not wanting to scare anyone especially it being for many "Resurrection Sunday" however it's days like today especially that you must be cautious and discerning. Above all we must have the Holy Spirit of God, indwelling in our lives or you will be deceived in a day filled with lies, deception, and agenda. You can call me a fear mongering Preacher, all you want yet it's high time some of you get the Hell out of your lives and allow the Holy Spirit to work His perfect works in you rather than your religious works being the only fruit you bare. The difference between the fruit of the Holy Spirit and religious fruit is this; Holy Spirit fruit you can eat it and it's a nutrient to your soul, not only that it can be replanted and grow, and be nutrients to another! Religious fruit is only good for the table spread display and ends up being good for the Church garage sale or the thrift store of doctrines for another to purchase because it's plastic, and not able to sustain, and can be a agent of spiritual cancer. It's time we become a discerning people and through the Holy Spirit, be a Victor in faith or we will fail to discern and fail to seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit and become a victim of faith. You can say; "God's got this." "God's in control" and use whatever cliche term you want yet in the end of the day. The Hebrews had to put the blood on the door post or be judged accordingly. We absolutely must have the blood of the Lamb of God, on our hearts door post or we will be judged accordingly. The warnings have come and yet more are being sounded yet the enemy is no longer at the gates they are in the courtyard. There is no reprieve. There is only Repentance or Judgement. It's really that simple. You pastors who are telling your congregation; "You don't have to prepare." "We will all be taken care of and won't even be here to suffer these things" Shame on you! Wake up! Sound a clarion call! Take off the white collar of religion and political correctness behind a pulpit that demands Holy Ghost boldness and begin to declare "Thus Saith the LORD!" I would dare say before some of you can declare the word of the LORD, you have to get more of His ways, laws, and ordinance in your lives greater than the ways, laws, and ordinance of your Denomination's policies, and get rid of the Scare tactics of loosing financial status if you preach to hard against sin. I rebuke you who have sold out and Compromise the true gospel of King Jesus Y Christ, for strange silver! I plead that you repent who have prostituted the Holy things of God, in the name of a prosperity message! I pray and plead for you people of God, to return to the Lord, God of Salvation, and stop these ways of idolatry and practices of wickedness all the while using the excuse; "I am just seeking out my salvation with fear and trembling" If you were seeking salvation you would have it and if you were seeking said salvation with fear (reverence) and trembling (reality) of His power, you would not be excusing the idolatry and lusts of this world on your lives! Come Out from among the harlots! Come Out from the ways of Balim! Come Out from the ways of Moloch! Come Out from your spiritual sorcery! Come Out and be separate says the LORD! In the name of King Jesus Y Christ, come out and have true Repentance, consecration, and true resurrection and life! Great tribulations. Yes! Great Tribulation, is in store and only those who have prepared by the power of the Holy Spirit, their hearts, minds, souls, and house will be able to endure.

see also: "MIDNIGHT APPROACHES" May you all be convicted, challenged, and changed! Blessings & Shalom! HcH Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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