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"The Kings Are Gathered Their Armies Are In A Settled Motion"| Is A Declaration of War Set

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And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Revelations 16:16


Greetings Friends,

This morning it seemed like it took everything I had to just pray. You ever have those days too? It seemed like the hustle and bustle of the morning, along with just the standard getting ready seemed to strip me of all my focus.

I awoke and kneeled at my bedside to pray, yet I could not break through. I finished getting ready this morning for work and then it hit me!

Like a massive blow to my head and I could not shake it! All of sudden I had to just simply praise Him!

Once I started to praise the LORD, for His goodness, mercies, and simply having breath today, then it happened. The break through I needed to enter into His presence.


I can testify that Praise is the key to prayer, yet we get busy in our hearts and minds, and our prayers have no order or true purpose. It's not that the desire to pray lacks yet the proper order is forfeited and thus we forfeit ourselves truly entering into the presence of Almighty God.

I promise you this. If you will truly with heart and soul praise King Jesus Y Christ, you will with true heart and soul enter into His presence.

After praising Him, I could truly pray in the proper order. I was able to enter into His presence and heard clearly the following in my Spirit.

"The Kings are gathered." Their armies are in a settled motion." "The seasons are prime; Chaos will consume those who have not my word."

It was direct, quick, and delivered and in respect to this I post it here. I will have more later to add to this; however with everything that is going on, and the gatherings taken place it certainly testifies and confirms what is being seen, heard, and sensed.

As always take these things to prayer and the word of God. Let us join together in prayer yet most definitely get your house in order. True Repentance starts with you, your home, then and only then can we be effective in our communities as the Church.

Its time to wake up!

Its time to wipe away the sin sleep that has filled our eyes!

Its time for true change.

May you be blessed, challenged, convicted, and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit!

I love you All in King Jesus Y Christ!

More to come, as we prepare for the secong coming!

Blessings & Shalom


Your Servant in Messiah

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