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Judgement Is Now | The Gates Will Become Powder!

Photo credits Google/BBC

Greetings friends,

My coffee cup is more Prophetic, and has more truth than these false teachers, preachers, and prophets, that have set up their religious empires. They are prophets of that religious empire. They are teachers of that religious empire's policy. They are preachers of that empire's abilities. It's all weak, frail, and broken, with an illusion it possesses the values of God, yet have forfeited the reign, laws, and ordinance of God, in exchange for their gods being lust, wealth, and the now. My coffee cup reads;

"WAKE UP!" It's time you "WAKE UP!" It's time to repent and turn away from our wicked lifestyle and truly understand that grace is not a license to sin (transgress the law) rather the merciful opportunity that though deserving death, we can be able to live and serve (obey) the ways, truth, and lifestyle made available to us since the foundations of creation. It's time to clean your house of the filth and sexual immorality that abides in the media, games, publications, and book marks of your web browsers. I know it's a hard subject, many pastors don't have the courage to touch it yet it's the truth! You better stop proclaiming love when your full of lust. It's time to clean our lifestyle and break away from traditions, practices, and pagan rooted ideas, teachings, and Denominations. I rather be alone from the presence of man, and have audience with the King of Kings, then to have the audience of all the Nations, and have the face of my LORD, turned from me in disfavor. It's time to choose who you are going to serve! It's time to be stirred, awakened, and filled with urgency for the Watchmen's sounding alarms that are coming from all four walls. It's time to truly repent and realize that the Lord, has not changed; He is the same yesterday, today, and will forever remain the same. This means HIS Laws, ways, and expectations have not expired or changed. It's time to get rid of the programs of socialism and the government of men, out of the Church, and get back to the narrow path of Holiness, Righteousness, and Truth!


Wake Up! Wake Up you sleepers!!!! Arise! The gates have been breached and the enemies are in the court yard! You have become weak because of your lusts for Babylon. You have become relaxed and lazy with your comforts and entertainment, without any action upon the convictions that come while you watch, and participate in filthy lucre. You have forfeited the Holy anointing for applause of the wicked. You have allowed the standard of righteousness to fall to the ground whilst you have erected and flown a flag of embrace to all manner of iniquities. You have become unfit to battle. You have become undisciplined to the decree of your LORD. You have allowed yourself to be manipulated by the cares of this life rather than abide in the laws of the Way, Truth, and Life! You have cowered, and retreated because you have realized your stripped and unequipped. you have spun a web of fables and untruths yet stamp my name (Yahweh) as a seal for strange silver. It's for this cause I have a remnant, yes a chosen that will not bow or bend knee as many of Babylon The Great has done, yet they shall bow knee and purpose to the Great I AM! Judgement is not a sixth night away as many have stated. It's not a distance measured. It's not been removed or postponed. Because you have postponed and have stated in your hearts "We will not change" "I am accepted as I am" you have remained unclean and unrepentant! Because you have tried to measure the days, hours, and seasons without any understanding of my ways you will be consumed by the great deceptions you have taught. Because you have desired more the blood of the innocent than the blood of my sacrifice you will be judged. Say not no longer the gates are under siege, for the gates are broken down like fine powder. Like dust they are seen on the ground. The great walls of your comforts are set ablaze with strange fire and shall from a strong heat be burned without identity. The courts and inner places of your halls are a pillage and a wars bounty. You no longer can say that the enemy is at the gate for they are in your inner most places. Judgement is in motion and those who can't see shall only behold the aftermath and those who don't obey will be victims become as the gates. Those who discern, hear, and see by my anointing through obedience unto me, will have refuge and direction in the midst of Chaos, Confusion, and Calamity. No reprieve can be offered in the face of the unrepentant who forsake my audience and call. Declare this let it be known Judgement is now. When the cries and woes of the Nations scream out, so shall a call be heard even greater than their voices, a great thundering and great call to become contrite, and repent before me. Written as heard in my spirit. May, 15 2017


Friends, It's late yet not to late! The gates are breached, the inner places are being consumed by the enemy yet there is still refuge, and opportunity to escape being a victim of Lawlessness. There is still a moment and invitation to be restored and arise with renewed strength, anointing, and the ability to war against the enemy. Don't remain in the metropolis of iniquity. Don't keep your citizenship of Babylon. Become New through Salvation by repenting of your Lawlessness (sinful lifestyle) and be Baptized in the name of King Jesus Y Christ. Then you shall be provided the promise of the Holy Spirit, and have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts filled with courage to battle the many battles ahead. It's time to repent. Judgement is Now!

As I meditated on this through out the whole day tending to work, I prayed about what I had heard. As I was in the barn working and thinking about both the First Fruits, of the literal and spiritual harvest we are working on preparing to establish. My mind rejoiced as I thought of the most important harvest. That harvest being of the Spirit.

As I prayed and pondered on the words spoken into my spirit (referenced above) it also was impressed upon me that the attacks, and the walls, gates, and fires will not just be a literal attack yet it will be attacks on currency, electronic warfare, and the systems used by nations to govern through computers.

The greatest mistake many make when thinking End Time prophecy; is that World War III, a Rapture, and all events foretold transpire in a single day or even a three to four year period of time.

World War III, is not a single day event. It is a war that is a series of many micro wars, that accelerate into full scale wars, and it's climax is the battle of battles. Just as World War Three, is not a single day event, neither are the prophecies foretold will transpire in a single day fulfillment.

I must humbly rebuke the idea of a none tribulation policy and/or that America, will never face the things others, and myself are saying will happen yet these things are going to happen; not because others or I have said that they will yet because it is what God, has said will happen.

These things are going to happen because America, has refused to repent, and America, has refused true repentance, because the Church, and cowards behind the pulpits have refused to preach true repentance, and have quenched the Holy Spirit's convicting message to change and become new.

There is no legislation, law, policy, or decree that should prevent you or provoke you to preach a true Holy Spirit message of repentance. The only thing that should influence you, with or without the support of man's laws to preach a message of repentance is the Holy Spirit.

If you have not preached a message of repentance before an executive order (which will not change a thing) you most certainly will not preach a message of repentance now. As a matter of truth, there are many pastors who need to repent for not preaching repentance before they attempt to preach repentance.

Stop saying these things are not going to happen to America.

Stop saying these things will never reach the Church.

Judgment starts at the household of Faith!

America, will never be great again until She turns to the GREAT I AM, with a repented and changed heart.

These things will occur over a series of events (they have been happening and will continue to happen.) it will escalate, accelerate, and suddenly things will happen as if it were just a single day yet those things that are coming and will happen are a result of events, and things put into motion.

If your called, sealed, and living a obedient life unto King Jesus Y Christ, you must know that you will not escape tribulations yet will endure persecution for the name sake of Salvation.

I know its late, and I desired to get this out to you all as soon as possible. I figured its a good rehearsal for the midnight cry, seeing its 11:20 pm EST.

I love you All in the LORD. I want to see you all prepared, ready, and able to effectively disciple the ways of God, and through that discipleship, influence others to disciple too. May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and His word. More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming. Blessings & Shalom! HcH Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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