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The Church Is Sick & Contagious|America Has Contracted The Sickness & Has Become A Visual Ex

America, has grown terribly ill. We must be cautious to not love the Military, more than the Constitution, the Military has sworn to serve and protect.


Here are the oaths taken by Military, Law, and Politicians

Military -

Law Enforcement -

Congress, Senate, and House Oaths -


We must have an absolute understanding that the uniform is not above the civilian, rather a servant unto the civilian liberties of America. The duties and responsibilities of an American civilian is far more vast than what is taught. Individually we can influence our home, neighbors, and community. United upon the foundations of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights, we have powerful tools when understood, known, and when acted upon that will influence the entire Nation. As civilians we influence the flow of what is acceptable and not acceptable. We influence the course of the Nation, based on the system that the Founding Fathers designed. America, is terribly sick because America, has lost her people.

America has lost true citizens that understand and desire to be American. The people that inhabit her are able to invoke convenience as rights rather than understanding true rights and freedoms; are not convenient nor easy. There is a loss of moral values, and the Creator's laws, which was the premises of the pen to paper expressions of most the founders.

Though not be fooled into believing every founder, pilgrim, and patriarch of America's birth were Holy Spirit, filled men, it is understood by the many journals, the majority understood the Creator's law. There is no uniform employed greater than the civilian uniform inherited by being a citizen of the United States.

If you're a soldier, you're a civilian. If you're a police officer, you're a civilian. If you're a politician, your a civilian.

No office to serve the civilian, would exist without understanding what it is to be a civilian. To wear any uniform in the name of service, is in it's roots the uniform of a servant.

No matter the choices you have made to serve the American public (civilians) you're a civilian that has chosen to serve and protect by the Constitution, and the freedoms in it's authenticity it outlines. If you don't have a uniform of service, then you still have a moral obligation to serve others through decency and respect. This does not however forfeit true conviction. I look at America, and I also look at the Church. Both are terribly sick. America, has become sick through transmitted sickness from the Church.

America, has caught the sickness of the Church, and what we are seeing literally fashioning America, through this epic collapse of law, order, and morality is a visual example of the spiritual condition.

The Church, has been prescribed masking agents called denominations and pain killers called religion. It has done nothing but created religious addicts and a pacified body.

We have exchanged the burning Fire of the Holy Spirit, that would speak to us even through a burning fire experience:

Image Credit Kevin Carden


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We have taken the Laws of God, that are given by fire, and have set fire to that law, in exchange for a false fire that is right now bringing about an Anti Christ Spirit, right in the midst of the Church!

Image Credit Kevin Carden

Image Credit Google Images

We must be cautious to not love the minister, more than our love for the Word of Yahweh, and His laws, which are the Constitution of the Kingdom of God. We must understand our position, responsibility, and accountability as disciples of the Most High God. We have reached a pivot where America, has lost her identity.

We are loosing our identity because the people have no clue who they are because they are defending the ability to not care about true identity yet identify however they want.

The Church has lost her identity by taken on the name of thousands of others through denominations and religion. Your claim as an American Citizen, has no warrant less you operate within the laws of America. Your claim as a servant of King Jesus Yehovah Christ, has no warrant less you operate within the laws of King Jesus. The day has arrived that the laws of man, and America are changing.

- However -

The laws of God, do not change they remain the same from the foundations of the Earth. We will need to make a critical choice. We will need to choose whom we will serve. When the laws of men, compromise the laws of Yahweh, whom will you serve? When the laws of your religious organization and denominations, compromise the laws of Yahweh, whom will you serve? We are arriving at an all out epic falling away of everything that is righteous for everything that is wicked. We have exchanged the precious Holy, and righteous things of God, that are eternal; for the wicked, and unrighteous things of both man and the Wicked One, which are monetary yet having eternal consequences. We have the ballot box that is voting for dark, vast, and toxic perversions whilst the pulpit, boards, and religious leaders are cheer leading the way and voting out the true anointing and ministry of God.


"The Church Is Sick & Contagious; America Has Contracted The Sickness & Has Become A Visual Example"


We have parades in the street crying out human rights, tolerance, and equality; while street after street that parade marches past has a homeless person, an ignored widow, unloved Orphan, and millions of human lives aborted.

We have massive rallies of the "rights" for all manner of sexual perversions being acceptable yet a disdain for sexual morality and true marriage boundaries.

We have rallies and all manner of support for saving the trees, animals, and Earth, yet the same people cry out for the rights to murder millions of children each year.

We have developed a mentality that rights are greater than righteousness in America. This started with greasy grace being taught in the Church house. We have everyone shouting socialism and communism as the way of the Nation, when ignorance is rampant regarding the difference of true community operating in freedoms vs community operating under tyranny. The prophets, cry out! America, your people are Perishing! Church, your people are Perishing! The people perish for a lack of knowledge!

(Hosea 4) Knowledge is no good without action. Knowledge with action and experience, makes wise. Knowledge with no action, makes a fool. The very things you give praise to will be the very thing that will rule you. Be cautious what you praise. The people of God, have fallen away with praises, offerings, and esteem for other gods. The Church has committed great prostitution with her affections among the thousands of denominations and religions of men. The Church, denies her first love, her Husband for the flesh pots of Babylon.

The Church, has allowed the pulpits, and places of office to be shut to the true prophet, yet will open up those doors, offices, and the pulpit to all manner of perversions, sin, and trespasses against the Altar of Holiness unto Yehovah! A great WOE and great falling away. There is a cry of Repentance! There is the Husband, the first love, who is calling out to return home. The hour is late. Shake off the sheets of spiritual adultery! Shake off the lusts of this age! Church, it's time to return to our First Love, and then we can see our daughter America, reconciled unto her Father too. Repentance is the message, call, and cry of the hour. The sickness has been identified and a absolute cure is available. The sickness is sin. The cure is repentance and obedience. Great Chaos, and Judgement comes unto the lands. A high cost for low living and a fool's gold rush for lust has left the Church, America, and all the inhabitants wanting.

This sickness will only be cured through Repentance. It's time we repent, turn away from our lawlessness.

It's time we become who we are destined to be in the Kingdom of Yahweh.

It's time we are baptized by water, and fire of the Holy Spirit, become refined and able to fight fire with fire.

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, anointed, and transformed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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