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The Ancient Ones & The Mark Of The Angel|A Dream Shared Pastor TD Hale - July, 22nd, 2017


In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.


Greetings Friends, in the name above ALL names;

The name of King Jesus Yehovah Christ!

As you know apart of the mission here with Living Faith Tabernacle Ministries " A Watchmen's Call" is to do just that; Sound a Clarion Call from the Wall.

The Watchmen's call will come from far more vessels than myself, and the platform of this website, Watchmen's Call Blog, and the ministry application is designed to serve the purpose of allowing those who have dreams, visions, and a confirmed "THUS SAITH THE LORD" to have the ability to share those vital messages from the Throne of Elohim.

It is my great honor, privilege, and blessing as we move forward to allow those voices to be heard, when many of them have had doors shut in their face because the message they bring are of true conviction, repentance, and service unto God.

I am sharing below a dream that was shared by Pastor TD Hale, whom I have a great deal of confidence.

I have spoken with Pastor Hale, regarding the dream he had; July 22nd, 2017. I have asked permission to share the account of that dream and without further delay. The below is a direct share in Pastor Hale's own writing of that dream's account.

Tell a dream as a dream. Share a vision with the details seen. Deliver the word as it has been heard.

As with all things take it to prayer, His word, and have confirmation by the Holy Spirit.

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"I just come out of a dream concerning Israel. I saw the biggest and I mean biggest pressure cooker over Israel. It was as if a loud voice said";


"place it upon the heat, for now is the season for my people to see the ancient words of my prophets come to pass."


"I saw an angel walk over to an ancient cooking fire of stones and placed that pressure cooker on top of those stones. I saw it begin to heat up and started to make a noise."

"Off in the distance I saw a mighty angel with a very stern look on his face. He stood there as if waiting on orders. He had a writers ink horn in his hand. A mighty voice from the Heaven's said";


"I hear the cries coming from the depths of their souls. The time will shortly be upon the ancient ones to place my mark."


"I kept hearing that word "ancient" often through this dream."

"Soon I was standing close to the Temple mount, when a mighty earthquake shook the ground I was standing and I could feel it under me shaking until I felt like I was swaying. I look and it was so violent that I began to look for buildings to see the power of this quake, what it would do."

"I looked towards the Temple mount and saw the Mosque of Omar begin to crumble, stone upon stone started to burst under the pressure of this quake and it finally fell apart and broke apart with dust flying upward and debris of all kinds going up, falling down as dust flooded the area where I was standing."

"Soon I heard voices of loud rejoicing and I turned to see where is was coming from; there stood hundreds gathering of Jews standing and rejoicing that this Temple had fallen but there stood the Muslim men weeping like women, shooting their guns in the air but the rejoicing overtook their cries."

"When that happen, a mighty voice spoke and said";


"Walk forth throughout the land, seal the ancient ones."


"The angel that stood so stern as a flash of light, flew with great speed and I saw him begin quickly to place a mark as a seal on the head of the ancient ones."

"From weeping, soon it turned to anger and rage fell upon these Muslims and now it was time for revenge. They blamed it upon the ancient ones and sought how they will take revenge upon them but they were waiting for their leader to give them the commands of some sort."

"I turned back to see this pressure cooker again and when I did, it blew apart, it blew up and all the contents within flew across Israel. Whatever it was, the contents stirred up the ancient ones and war broke out."


'"All I could see for miles was war, fighting, bloodshed. Soon, this strong leader stepped up and I knew it was the Antichrist, and my heart sunk. In the dream, fear hit me so bad, I started fighting to wake up and I did. I did not want to see anymore."


Now I sit here knowing that we are at a very important time in human history. I'm shook up as this is the third dream I've had this month.

|"The first one was concerning missiles falling from the skies, people running for shelter. Every man was for himself. No one would help their fellow man, it was every man for himself. America was being brought to her knees. I pray and hope this will be in the tribulation time."| |"The second dream had to do with weather patterns. I saw violent storms of every kind upon this nation. Thunders that was so loud, men's ear drums busted. Tornadoes beyond any tornado I've ever seen. I don't know if there has ever been one above a 5 but I believe this one was. Earthquakes were hitting, one right after another."|

"Only God knows the effects on nature, waters and the coastal areas it will have. I can only say and report what I've seen and heard." "I cannot say much more but I know shaking is coming and I will not apologize for what I've seen, that is in His hands."

"If you are in a state of lukewarm condition, you better shake yourself as Samson of old finally woke up and knew he was blind, bound and going round and round."

"The spirit of blindness is upon the minds of those who once knew what it was to be on fire but have become cold."

"Shake yourself! Could the blindness that was upon Israel according to Romans 11 now is coming upon the Gentiles? That was one of the last signs upon Sodom, blindness, searching for the "door"? The hour is upon us. I can only speak what I have seen and heard."

- Pastor TD Hale, July, 22nd, 2017


In the words of Pastor TD Hale, "WOW!" is right. Let's all be in prayer for Israel, America, and true awakening in the Church!

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, anointed, and transformed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

If you would like to know more and/or would like me to pray with you; contact us here: Visit the ministry website

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