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Awakening by Great Shaken| The Box Cars of Crisis

[Image Credit - Google Images]

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.

Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people, and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled, as Shalman spoiled Betharbel in the day of battle: the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children.

So shall Bethel do unto you because of your great wickedness: in a morning shall the king of Israel utterly be cut off.


Greetings Friends,

Early morning Monday, August 29th, at 03:00 am. I was awakened with a sense of urgency.

It was the same feeling as if someone was shaking me to wake me up.

I even remember waking up, looking around to see if perhaps someone from my family was in the room, trying to wake me up.

I looked about the room not seeing anyone of my family awake. Once I was awake, I was stirred, alert, and completely consumed with a sense of urgency and prayer.

I started to pray for those affected by the Hurricane, along the Gulf, and Texas. I started to pray for the Nation, as this massive storm of Chaos, of civil unrest is sweeping across the land While in prayer, I then heard:


“Awakening by Great Shaken!”

“The people, will be awakened by the shakens of judgement, yet the sleepers, will remain asleep, and when they arise from their sleep, they will be stripped, and found wanting.”

“The people, have cried out to have their thieves, murderers, and criminals, in exchange to remain in their lifestyles of sin, rather than repent, and receive the atonement of my hand.”

“There are lines that have been crossed.” “The lines of warnings prior, which have been received with deaf ears, and blind souls.” “The time of judgement is commenced, there is no aborting what I have set in motion, for the people have not repented.”

“The people, fight more for their lusts, and evil passions, aborting the lives of the innocent whilst refusing to change, and be transformed from their lawlessness.”

“The day has come that judgement will be carried out and it will last a set course of days.”

“Crisis will follow crisis; crisis of war, following war, crisis of economy, following crisis of economy, crisis of pestilence, following crisis of disease, crisis of communities falling away, following even greater falling away.” “Crisis of weather, following crisis of quakes.”

“Crisis, will continue to follow crisis, liken unto waves hitting the shores” “These crises shall escalate, and one after another, the many crisis shall follow one after the other until they mandate new laws.”

“Many shall lift their voices and cry out mercy!” “Many will cry out and plead for rest from the series of callamity.” “They shall weap, plead, and cry out yet still they will remain unchanged.”

“The natural disasters are a signs and previews of the financial collapse, famines, and lawlessness, that is befallen the hearts of this generation.”

“There will be found no refuge without repentance, and true commitment unto The LORD!’

“The earth will refuse the seed of the wicked.” “The waters shall stagnate and even dry up among the fields of the unrighteous.”

“The things that this generation has put their love, desires, and passions, which are fields of perversions, lusts, and idolatry, shall be the very things that bring a sinking weight that shall tangle their feet, as they swim in depths unknown to them.”

“Repentance is the key to relieve the judgement at hand, yet a great awakening will only come through this shaken of the foundations”

“Yes! A Great Shaken, shall be the source of awakening, yet only few will arise, and cast the sleep from their eyes, and see, hear, and sensibly find refuge in ME.”

This says the LORD


"Awakening by Great Shaken| Crisis will Follow Crisis until They Mandate New Laws"


|Awakening - A recognition, realization, coming to awareness|

|Shaken - Wander, Flee, Disappear, Deplore, Shake, Tossing into Scorn, Stagger, Agitate, Trouble, Topple, Violently Toss Back and Forth|

I then had a heavy sleep fall upon me, and as I laid there returning to sleep; I recall repeating; Awakening by Great Shaken……

I then went immediately into a dream.

The dream:

I looked up into the sky, and there was a massive storm system.

This system covered the entire southern States of America. Suddenly there appeared an opening within this massive system of storms that were linked like together like box cars to a train.

[Image credit shutter shock/google images]

In the center of this opening appeared rays of sun light, blue sky, and what appeared to be a breaking away of the massive storm system. Suddenly there was a massive series of thunders. I thought that the thundering was from the storm systems, however it was coming from a massive missile battery.

[image credit USA Today/Google Images]

This large missile battery launched a large rocket, that shot into the heavens, entering and centering the eye of this massive storm system. The missile had a series of flags that littered the right side. The two key banners that I observed on the right side of the rocket were the National flags of North Korea, and Iran.

[Image credit shuttershock/google images]

Once the large missile entered the eye of this storm, it went out of sight hid by the thick clouds. I knew the missile was launched. I knew the missile was in the sky however once it ascended past the storm system it was out of sight, and those on the ground were oblivious to the rockets destination.

The dream ended -


I believe that the dream represented that many are going to be caught off guard by the many crisis that are following crisis. During this time it may appear like a brief moment of relief from the literal storms, economic storms, and social unrest storm systems that are linked together; only to behold the launching of attack when America, is at her weakest hours. This is not presented to be "Doom & Gloom" yet is a clarion call of warning that our ONLY refuge abides in true repentance unto The Holy and Righteous, Almighty King Jesus Yeshua. I plead with all who read this and also hear the warning through the broadcasts of the messages via the Ministry Application, that you hear this warning and get your houses in order.

Literal prepare yourselves yet ABOVE ALL prepare your souls.

No amount of provisions will matter less your soul is reconciled unto the Creator, first. If you are unsaved, or you have drifted away from God, due to rebellion in your heart, desires, and passions. It's time to repent, and truly come to know Jesus Yeshua, as your LORD and Savior. It's time to commit unto the LORD, and change your lifestyle today. It's time to commit to serving King Jesus Y Christ. It's time to be baptized in the name of King Jesus Yeshua, fully immersed in water, for the remission of sins, and then baptized in spirit, by the Holy Spirit.

It's time that you truly ask yourself this important questions:

"Have I been filled with the Holy Spirit, since I have believed?"

It's time we seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

If you need someone to pray with you, I am here to pray with you, yet I can't serve Yehovah, for you. YOU MUST SERVER God, for yourself.

Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Friends, Family, nor your Religion, or Government can save you. Only True Repentance, Baptism, in the Name of Messiah, and being filled with the Holy Spirit is the beginning of Salvation, through King Jesus Yeshua Christ.

It's not about fear, yet all about having a solid foundation of true peace, shalom, and wholeness, that no matter what Chaos, is transpiring around you; you're not ignorant of it and you can soberly minister in the midst of those storms, unto others by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of God.

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed; by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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