Daily Resurrection | Through The Way, Truth, and Life!
Acts 2:38 is still the answer to that ancient question: "what must I do to be saved?"
Why The Compromise?
Generational curses are retained because, generation, after generation, we retain the horrible practice of paganism, and demonology, with ab
Captivity is the Cost of a False Gospel
We have now reached a place where there is a raw war on truth, and deceit runs rampant in every facet, element, and platform of our society.
A Great Falling Away | The Church is Down the Slope a Nation Scattered
Righteousness, Holiness, and the Laws of King Jesus Yeshua, have been removed in exchange for a greasy grace theology that has become the in
The True Gospel | Uncompromising, Unadulterated, and Non Bias
the law has no power to save, yet once one becomes Born Again, and New through the Gospel, and Revelation of King Jesus Yeshua, then the law
The Great Gate Becomes Desolate | America, The Great Western Gate
Allow me to share with you a vision, I experienced Sunday, morning from 06:00 during prayer. You can read the account here and also tune int
Ancient Evil Uncovered | A Present Day Call to Repent!
Don't put your faith, in false reprieves, and false Messiahs. Put your faith in true Repentance, and the One True Messiah, King Jesus...
2018| A Year of Tears
There is a great falling away yet among the falling away there will be awakening.
The Great Serpent of Babylon
This is a written account of the vision received November, 12th 2017 - The Great Serpent of Babylon.
A Horrifying Hypocrisy| Halloween and The Modern Day Church
We will only have as much the Holy Power of God, as we will have of obedience, and Holiness unto The Most High Holy God